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    Sikora’s Home Improvements
    Price: $1.00 Ad Id: 1097559
    Posted By: Sikora’s Home Improvements of Calvert City, KY (item located in Calvert City, KY)
    Category:Real Estate/Commercial
    Member Since:October 5, 2019 Date Posted:October 2
    Account Type:Pro Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:November 01
    Web Site:
    If you are in the market for some home remodeling, give us a call. No job is too small. We can do whole home remodels, flooring, tiling, drywall, painting, installation of new windows and doors -- whatever your needs are, we can help!

    Give us a call at 270-839-4923.

    We have over 20 years of experience. We are insured. We cover all the Marshall County area only.


    To see our detailed work, visit our Facebook page at


    If you are interested in receiving a free estimate for the work you need to be done, feel free to call or text at (270) 839-4923.

    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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