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    Gaming PC Repair/Builds
    Ad Id: 1188958
    Posted By: A Local Geek of Paducah, KY (item located in Paducah, KY)
    Category:Electronics/Game Systems
    Member Since:June 8, 2011 Date Posted:September 30
    Account Type:Pro Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:October 30
    Web Site:
    We can build your gaming PC when you bring the parts to us or if you built your own gaming rig and something went wrong we can repair it. Hardware and software issues can be repaired! 


    Call or come into 'A Local Geek' in Lone Oak on Lovelaceville Road (Turn at the stop light by Wendy's to be on Lovelaceville Road) for a free estimate! Appointments aren't needed.

    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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