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    Looking for Musicians
    Ad Id: 1218243
    Posted By: Marty Tucker of South Fulton, TN (item located in South Fulton, TN)
    Member Since:December 10, 2009 Date Posted:July 22
    Account Type:Classic Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:August 21
    Drummer living in South Fulton area  looking for other musicians who would like to get together and play for the fun of doing it. Not looking to have a band to go out and play. Already been there, just wanting to have the enjoyment of making some music. Don't care if you've done it before or just wanting to try it for the first time, but do expect to do the best we can. Not interested in wasting time just sitting. Maybe couple times a month. Would like to have you contact me through VCI because I use my phone for business. Thanks.

    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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