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    Diesel Service Truck 4x4
    Price: $7,900.00 Ad Id: 1227918
    Posted By: michael kimsey of Paducah, KY (item located in Paducah, KY)
    Member Since:July 9, 2008 Date Posted:October 21
    Account Type:Classic Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:November 20
    Listing this for a friend so please call him.  Call Gary Campbell of Campbells Used Cars, 3234 Hovekamp Road in Paducah.  His cell number is 270-816-3789, he does not text so you need to call or go by the lot.  This is a 1998 GMC 3500 Service Truck with 218xxx miles on the Detroit Diesel engine and is a 4x4.  It has a Lincoln Ranger 8 welder with 87 hours, Onan engine, and a Senco gasoline air compressor.  When I took pictures, I noticed that all the service doors worked like new, even the drivers door which surprised me.  Anyway, give Gary a call if you are interested.  He in and out at the lot so it’s best to call him.

    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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