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    38 Police Positive Special
    Price: $1,700.00 Ad Id: 1229573
    Posted By: Michael L. Ward of Carrier Mills, IL (item located in Carrier Mills, IL)
    Member Since:February 4, 2024 Date Posted:October 11
    Account Type:Classic Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:November 10
    2 38 Police positive Special both with 4" barrels. Both in excellent condition. with slight handling ware on both. These are double action revolvers. The nickle finish one is 1934 model S/N 434417 with RPD No. 26 on the grip strap. The blued pistol is a true 1911 S/N 40653 M stamped on yoke & frame. Approximately 23 oz ea. Built on Colt's D frame with positive lock safety each with 6 round cylinders. Price listed is for both guns, contact me for individual pricing. They can be sold separately.

    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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