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    125 psi central pneumtic air compresser
    Price: $100.00 Ad Id: 1231424
    Posted By: p.s.. of Calvert City, KY (item located in Calvert City, KY)
    Member Since:November 16, 2015 Date Posted:October 1
    Account Type:Classic Date Modified: 0
    Phone:Please login to see phone number. Ad Expiration:October 31

    First picture is showing what it looks like in general.  Second 2 pictures are the actual pictures.

    Step 2 Art Easel Desk:

    Unique desk and easel combo accommodates multiple artists
    Kids' art easel desk with dry erase board includes clip to display projects
    Desk workspace for creative projects
    Storage area above desk holds art supplies (not included) for easy access
    Additional storage underneath
    Base ensures stability while in use
    Minimal adult assembly required
    Measures: 24"L x 20"W x 33"H
    Weight: 18 lbs
    Age range: 1-1/2 through 5 years
                                Call    270-205-5078


    1515 Broadway   Paducah, KY   42001
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